Say Yes To Healthy Heart

Cardiac Rehabilitation

What is Integrated Cardiac Rehabilitation?

We have designed a novel integrated cardiac rehabilitation (ICR) program that includes multispecialty services of Cardiology, Yoga, Naturopathy, and Ayurveda to restore heart health. The core members of the multidisciplinary team include a Program Director- (Dr Susheel K Sharma an Interventional Cardiologist and a wellness coach) Program coordinator, a Dietician, a Physiotherapist, a Yoga instructor, a Naturopath, an Ayurveda consultant, a Psychosocial/spiritual counselor, and an Information Technology Specialist. The team works together to help participants in Weight management, Blood pressure management, Lipid management, Diabetes management, Tobacco cessation, Psychosocial management, Physical activity counseling, Exercise training, and Yoga.

Who should attend cardiac rehab?

If you have or had following heart condition, you may benefit from a cardiac rehab program.
A heart attack, coronary artery disease (CAD), angina or heart failure, a heart procedure or surgery, such as coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), coronary angioplasty or stenting, valve replacement, or a pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD), a heart rhythm problem, such as atrial fibrillation, a cardiac arrest Cardiac rehab can improve your overall health and may prevent future heart problems.

What are the benefits of cardiac rehab?

Regular Yoga practice improves your strength and energy levels, Pranayama and Meditation help improve your mood and emotional health. It can also reduce your chance of future heart health problems. Health literacy removes fear and makes you knowledgeable about your health condition. help you stop smoking, eat well by learning to choose healthy foods, lose weight, and lower your blood pressure and cholesterol. You will learn how to manage stress and feel better about your health. When you are in a cardiac rehab program, you will receive advice and supervision from healthcare professionals who will help you improve your health and lower your risk of future problems.\ You will connect with like-minded participants. People who attend cardiac rehab mention how helpful it is to meet and talk with other people who have undergone a heart event or diagnosis.

What are the Short Term Goals of Integrated cardiac rehabilitation?

  • Control cardiac symptoms.

  • Enhance functional capacity.

  • Limit unfavourable psychological and physiologic effects of cardiac illness.

  • Boost psychosocial and vocational status.

What are the Long Term Goals of Integrated cardiac rehabilitation?

  • Alter natural history of coronary artery disease.

  • Stabilize or reverse the progression of atherosclerosis.

  • Lessen the risk of sudden death and reinfarction.

How successful is cardiac rehabilitation?

Researchers have found that cardiac rehab reduces-

What happens after cardiac rehabilitation?

After you complete your last cardiac rehab session, the staff will check to make sure that Yoga is still safe for you and that you feel confident in continuing your practices. You will join a WhatsApp connect group supervised by Dr Sharma. The group meets weekly to conduct a Q&A session and share new research for heart health.

  • Cardiovascular death risk by 58%.

  • Heart attack risk by 30%.

  • The risk of stroke by 60%.

  • Depression symptoms by 63%.