Say No To Heart Attack

Prevention Of Heart Attack

What is the “Root Cause” of Heart Attack?

Three independent variables conspire to cause blockages in the coronary arteries and cause Heart Attack. The three variables are Genetic Predisposition, Lifestyle, and Adverse Environmental Exposures.

Is the mechanism of Heart attack in young adults similar or different than in middle-aged adults?

There is now emerging scientific evidence that the Heart attacks in the two age groups are dissimilar. Only
50 % of young adults have no symptoms before a heart attack. Over 75% of heart attacks are caused by a blockage that is not detectable by a standard stress test or a heart catheterization. 20% of Heart attacks in young adults are caused by non-blockage-related factors. The blockages are less extensive, usually in a single vessel. Triple vessel disease is present in only 10% of cases. Therefore, most young adults end up not needing bypass surgery after a heart attack.

How effective is a Risk calculator used by corporate hospitals on conventional “Packages” in predicting 10-year or 30-year risk of heart attack in patients under the age of 40?

only 5.2% and 10.6% of young adults who developed ASCVD before the age of 50 years have elevated 10-year and 30-year risk as calculated and predicted by conventional risk calculators, respectively. The current risk models do not incorporate key risk enhancers, such as family history of ASCVD, South Asian ethnicity, and chronic inflammation, which may represent a missed opportunity. Several other known risk factors for ASCVD are not included in current risk models.

How is your heart attack prevention model different?

We practice Precision Medicine. Everyone is unique, and we therefore adopt an individualized approach. We complement conventional risk factor analysis with enhanced risk markers, add novel biochemical markers, use Coronary Artery Calcium (CAC) score, and select individuals evaluate Polygenic Risk Score (PRS) as well. A detailed analysis is performed and discussed with the patient in a Comprehensive cardiology consultation.

How will that information help me prevent a Heart Attack?

Early and precise risk assessment is the first step. Based on the results we design a prevention program that incorporates appropriate lifestyle changes for the reversal of coronary artery disease with medications if needed in select individuals. We offer in-person and online consultations. We also arrange a weekend and if interested a week-long retreat to understand and practice reversal practices here at Arogyadhama at Svyasa. We have a WhatsApp based once a week Weekly connect session free for all participants for one year to attend sessions and benefit from additional knowledge and question-answer sessions