Coronary Blockage Reversal

Heal Your Heart



We use intensive evidence-based risk factor modification, comprehensive lifestyle adjustments, and currently available guideline-directed medical therapy, to reduce and stabilize existing blockages and prevent new blockage development.
Blockage reversal is caused by Reductions in the inflammatory state, a decrease in the number of inflammatory cells, and the fat content inside the blockage. Improvement in endothelial function also facilitates blockage reversal and improves chest pain symptoms caused by microvascular disease.
For the published evidence of the blockage reversal please refer to our “Research evidence” page. The strategy that we employ is based on the evidence gathered from published reversal studies.
Transform Your Heart Health Today. Embark on a Journey to a Healthier, Happier Heart with Our Unique Blockage Reversal program at Integrated Cardiac Rehabilitation and Research Centre, Arogyadhama S-VYASA! . Unlock the Power of Integrated Cardiac Care. Join Us and Experience the Best of Both Worlds for Your Heart Health.

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